How to Recover Snapchat Streak

A Snapchat streak is a feature that allows users to track the number of consecutive days they have snapped with a friend. A streak is established when two users send snaps to each other in consecutive days. The number of days in a streak is displayed next to a fire emoji on the chat screen. Losing a Snapchat streak can be disappointing, but there are ways to recover it.

In this guide, I will explain the steps on how to recover Snapchat streak. It’s important to note that there’s no guaranteed way to recover from a lost streak, and it ultimately depends on the actions of the other person.

How Does a Snapchat Streak Work? Step by Step

A Snapchat streak is a feature that allows users to track the number of consecutive days they have snapped with a friend. Here is a step-by-step guide on how a Snapchat streak works:

  1. Open the Snapchat app and go to the chat screen.
  2. Select the friend you want to start a streak with.
  3. Send a snap to that friend.
  4. The friend must open the snap and respond with a snap of their own within 24 hours.
  5. Once the snap has been opened, a fire emoji will appear next to the friend’s name on the chat screen.
  6. The number next to the fire emoji represents the number of consecutive days the streak has been active.
  7. To keep the streak going, both users must continue to send snaps to each other within 24 hours.
  8. If a snap is not sent or received within 24 hours, the streak will be broken.
  9. To re-start a broken streak, both users must send snaps within 24 hours of the streak ending.

It’s worth mentioning that Snapchat has a feature that allows you to see the last time your friends have opened the app, so you can use that to determine if they have been active on the app or not, and remind them to snap you back to maintain the streak.

How to Recover Snapchat Streak? Detailed Guide

Recovering a lost Snapchat streak can be tricky, as it ultimately depends on the actions of the other person. However, there are some steps you can take to try and recover your streak with a friend. Here is a detailed guide on how to recover a Snapchat streak:

  1. Check the last time your friend was active on the app. You can do this by going to the chat screen and looking at the timestamp next to the friend’s name. If they were active recently, it’s more likely that they will be able to snap back and continue the streak.
  2. Reach out to your friend and remind them to snap you back. Send them a message asking if they saw the snap and asking them to snap you back.
  3. Send them a snap to remind them that you’re still trying to maintain the streak.
  4. Wait for your friend to respond. If they respond within 24 hours, the streak will be re-established.
  5. If your friend does not respond, try reaching out to them again. If they are unable to snap back within the 24-hour time frame, the streak will be lost.
  6. If the friend is not active on the app, or if they don’t respond to your messages, unfortunately, the streak will be lost.
  7. It’s important to note that there’s no guaranteed way to recover a lost streak, and it ultimately depends on the actions of the other person. Snapchat also has a feature that allows you to see the last time your friends have opened the app, so you can use that to determine if they have been active on the app or not, and remind them to snap you back to maintain the streak.

Why Did You Lose Your Snapchat Streak? Common Reasons

There can be several reasons why you may have lost your Snapchat streak. Some common reasons include:

  1. Not snapping each other within 24 hours: A Snapchat streak is only maintained if both users send snaps to each other within 24 hours. If either user fails to send a snap within that time frame, the streak will be broken.
  2. Accidentally deleting the app: If you or your friend accidentally delete the Snapchat app, the streak will be lost as the continuity will be broken.
  3. Traveling or being in an area with a poor internet connection: If either user is traveling or in an area with a poor internet connection, they may not be able to send or receive snaps, causing the streak to be broken.
  4. Being blocked or deleted by the other user: If either user blocks or deletes the other, the streak will be lost.
  5. Snapchat account closed or deleted: If you or your friend closed or deleted the Snapchat account, the streak will be lost.

It’s worth mentioning that you can use the feature that allows you to see the last time your friends have opened the app, so you can use that to determine if they have been active on the app or not, and remind them to snap you back to maintain the streak.

Snapchat Streak Recovery Form

Snapchat does not have a “streak recovery form” that users can fill out to restore a lost streak. If a streak is lost, it cannot be restored. However, users can reach out to Snapchat support through the app’s help center and explain the situation. The support team may be able to assist with restoring the streak in certain circumstances, such as if the streak was lost due to a technical issue.


How do I get my Snapchat streak back?

You can contact Snapchat support through the help center, explain the situation and ask if the support team can assist with restoring the streak. It’s important to note that streaks are based on mutual snapping and sending, so make sure to communicate with the person you want to keep the streak with to avoid losing it in the future.

Can a streak be recovered?

Snapchat does not have a feature for recovering lost streaks, but if the loss was due to a technical issue, you can contact Snapchat support through the help center and ask if the support team can assist with restoring the streak.

How long will you lose a streak? 

A Snapchat streak is lost if both users don’t send a snap to each other within 24 hours. Once the streak has been lost, it cannot be regained or recovered, so it’s important to communicate with the person you want to keep the streak with and send snaps regularly to maintain the streak.


In conclusion, there is no official way to recover from a lost Snapchat streak. However, we explain a complete guide on How to Recover Snapchat Streak and how it works. If you still have issues in recovery then you can contact Snapchat support through the app’s help center and explain the situation. The support team may be able to assist with restoring the streak in certain circumstances such as if the streak was lost due to a technical issue.